Saturday, January 11, 2014

Aeropostale's fragrance, "Hailey"?

Hey guys! Its Hal here, and I thought that I would share my opinion with you guys about a new fragrance I received for Christmas from one of my favorite stores, Aeropostale!

Maybe if you're interested in buying clothes and accessories from Aero, you might become interested in buying a perfume there!

The perfume I would like to talk to you about is called Hailey. 
Here is the box that it comes in:


I think the box is cute and has a nice and girly design. It really does attract  female customers because most girls like pink.
But not only is the box cute, the real perfume bottle is ahh-dorable too!
Here is a picture:

There are peace and heart charms attached to the bottle. Cute right?
Okay, so maybe it doesn't give off an older teenager vibe, but it definitely does for young girls and girls who have just become teenagers.
But who really cares? Its the scent that matters!

This has become one of my favorite perfumes so far. Its scent is very unique, and none of my other perfumes smell exactly like it. Its a sweet smell, that isn't too strong. It smells very fruity, and fresh at the same time. Its for sure a perfume that you could wear to school!

Another thing I like about it is that it is long lasting, which is pretty surprising since its only Aeropostale. 
There are two size bottles at the store, a small and a large. This bottle is the large, which is 19.99. But if you decide to get the small, it is 12.99. I'd say thats a pretty good deal for either one.

I am really glad I received this gift for Christmas and I hope you guys liked this post!

                     ~ Hal Q

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